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Home: Welcome

Helping businesses
the journey
to growth


Who We Work With

Helm works with business owners and leadership teams, predominantly in the consulting and technology sectors. Our clients tend to be frustrated with the barriers and challenges to achieving sustainable growth.
We work with executive sponsors that recognise the benefits of leadership development alongside a focus on high performing teams. They value executive and team coaching as a route to creating meaningful change and underpinning their plans for growth.

Our Approach

Helm takes a phased approach to transferring capability to your team, through consulting services, executive coaching, team coaching  and mentoring. After an initial period of diagnostic and getting to know you, we  support you with a bespoke programme of individual and team coaching, taking time to reflect, rethink, grow and change. Our focus is on transforming individuals and teams in the context of specific business goals.

The Outcome

Together we will co-create a clear path for growth, fully supported with the personal development of key leaders and executives in parallel with delivering higher performing teams. The result will be a transformative improvement in business performance. Your leadership team will feel more able to focus on delivering the strategy and shareholders will see value enhancement from new capabilities.

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Discover How We Can help You

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Grow Your Business

Consulting assignments are aimed at overcoming the barriers to growth and helping businesses to scale. We focus on three aspects or systems in the business: revenue, management and culture. Helm consultants have a successful track record of scaling businesses: it's our passion.

Business Meeting


Achieve Your Goals

Executive Coaching for individuals looking to achieve specific goals; teams in need of higher performance and businesses wanting to implement a programme of support for executives at all levels. Coaching is delivered by mature, experienced and qualified coaches that are able to draw on industry knowledge.



Expert Guidance

With years of experience, our mentors have the capabilities and expertise to support you and your teams to take your business to the next level. At Helm Partnering, we combine our insights and skills to facilitate the growth of the business through growth in people.

Home: Testimonials

Sean Lyons, Partner, Renna Partners, Chicago

“Helm 's style of coaching enabled me to quickly hone in on the critical aspects of my situation that needed attention and focus, particularly with crystalizing what I wanted to convey about my personal branding within the context of my overall company's branding.  This time also helped me with keeping business development and relationship development activities at the forefront.  Helm's support over the past year has been invaluable and I'd happily recommend them to anyone needing executive coaching or mentoring.”


+44 (0)7734 059052

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